David gave hundreds of speeches and lectures - on many different aspects of international law and international dispute resolution. You'll find some of the more recent ones gathered here - do get in touch if you know of more!

Dispute Resolution
David gave the Charles N Brower Lecture on International Dispute Resolution at the ASIL Annual Meeting 2017.
Security and Freedom
David was moderator of a panel, The Counter-terrorism Challenge: Competing Narratives of Security and Freedom, at the World Justice Forum V at The Hague in 2017.
On Higher Law
David was amongst the panellists to discuss Professor Dire Tladi's report, on jus cogens in international law, in London on 16 March 2016.
Courts and Tribunals
In 2014 David provided a lecture on international courts and tribunals to the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law.
Images of the Arctic
David spoke about the Arctic's future in light of climate change at the Library of Congress in 2011.